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1. Auricle (pinna)
2. External auditory meatus

3. Ceruminous glands

4. Tympanic membrane

5. Tympanic cavity
6. Eustachian tube
7. Malleus
8. Incus
9. Stapes
10. Oval window
11. Tympanic reflex
12. Perilymph
13. Scala vestibule
14. Endolymph
15. Cochlea
16. Stereocilia
17. Semicircular canals

18. Vestibule
19. Basilar membrane
20. Organ of Corti

21. Vestibulocochlear Nerve

22. Acoustic Nerve


1. Tympanic rupture

2. Vestibular balance disorder

3. Tinnitus

4. Noise hearing loss

5. Vertigo

6. Meniere's disease 

7. Acute Otitis Media

8. Hyperacusis

9. Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV)

10. Labyrinthitis

11. Otosclerosis

12. Barotrauma

13. Deafness


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