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Small Intestine

Small Intestine


1. Duodenum

2. Jejunum
3. Ileum
4. Mesentery

5. Cholysistokinin

6. Enterokinase

7. Peptidase

8. Nucleases

9. Secretin
10. Peyer’s Patches

11. Villi

12. Microvilli

13. Nerve fibers

14. Brunner’s glands

15. Mucous cells

16. Cellular turnover

17. Intestinal glands

18. Goblet cells


1. Peristalsis

2. Disbiosis

3. Appendicitis

4. Leaky Gut

5. Irritable Bowel

6. Duodenal Ulcer 

7. Celiac disease

8. Crohn's disease

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