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Gland Mix, Glandulars

Gland Mix, Glandulars

200,00 €Prix

1 Lymph Gland

2 Mam. Gland 

3 Parathyroid

4 Parotid

5 Pineal Gland

6 Pituitary Gland

7 Prostate Gland

8 Salivary Gland

9 Seminal Gland

10 Suprarenal Gland

11 Thymus gland

12 Thyroid Gland

13 Sebaceous Glands

14 Skene’s Glands

15 Peyer’s Patches

16 Cowper’s Gland

17 Montgomery’s Glands

18 Lacrimal Glands

19 Bartholin’s Glands

20 Vulvovaginal Glands

21 Testes

22 Glandulars

23  ACTH

24 Acetylcholine

25 Adrenaline

26 Cortisol

27 Epinephrine (epi-pen)

28 Dopamine


30 Gonadotrophin

31 Growth Hormone

32 Insulin

33 Melanin

34 Melatonin

35 Pituitrophin

36 Oxytocin

37 Pancreatin

38 Secretin

39 Thyroxine

40 Thyrotropin

41 T3

42 T4

43 TRH

44 TSH

45 Vasopressin

46 Adrenal Gland

47 Blood

48 Sweat

49 Mucus

50 Pheromones

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