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Nervous System

Nervous System

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4 Sympathetic Nervous System

5 Parasympathetic Nervous

6 System

Abducent Nerve

7 Accessory Nerve

8 Acoustic Nerve

9 Facial Nerve

10 Glossopharyngeal Nerve

11 Hypoglossal Nerve

12 Sciatic Nerve

13 Median Nerve

14 Occulomotor Nerve

15 Olfactory Nerve

16 Optic Nerve

17 Phrenic Nerve

18 Pudental Nerve

19 Radial Nerve

20 Vestibulocochlear Nerve

21 Tibial Nerve

22 Trigeminal Nerve

23 Trochlear Nerve

24 Ulnar Nerve

25 Vagus Nerve

26 Abdominal Plexus

27 Brachial Plexus

28 Cardiac Plexus

29 Coronary Plexus

30 Gastric Plexus

31 Hepatic Plexus

32 Iliac Plexus

33 Lumbar Plexus

34 Mesenteric Plexus

35 Oesophageal Plexus

36 Pelvic Plexus

37 Pharangeal Plexus

38 Rectal Plexus

39 Suprarenal Plexus

40 Thoracic Plexus

41 Utero Vaginal Plexus

42 Prostatic Plexus

43 Pulmonary Plexus

44 Celiac Plexus

45 Circulation

46 Lecithin

47 Animal Protein

48 Vegetable Protein

49 Animal Fat

50 Vegetable Fat


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